Education is a fundamental pillar of society, shaping the minds and futures of the next generation. However, the medium of instruction – the language used in teaching – plays a crucial role in how effectively students learn and develop. The use of one’s mother tongue in education, particularly in the fields of science and cultural identity, has profound implications.

The Importance of Mother Tongue in Education UNESCO has long advocated for multilingual education, emphasizing the mother tongue’s role from the earliest years of schooling. Research consistently shows that when students learn in their native language, they achieve better learning outcomes and academic performance. This is especially true in primary education, where understanding foundational concepts is critical. Teaching in the mother tongue bridges gaps in knowledge, accelerates comprehension, and enhances overall cognitive development.

Impact on Science Learning In the realm of science education, the use of the mother tongue is particularly impactful. Scientific concepts often involve complex ideas and terminology. When taught in a familiar language, students can grasp these concepts more readily, fostering a deeper understanding and interest in science. This approach not only improves academic performance but also encourages students to pursue scientific careers, potentially leading to more diverse and innovative scientific communities.

Cultural Identity and Language Language is intrinsically linked to cultural identity. It carries the nuances of cultural expressions, traditions, and perspectives. Educating students in their mother tongue not only aids in learning but also in preserving and valuing their cultural heritage. This approach promotes inclusivity and respect for diverse cultures, essential in our increasingly globalized world.

Challenges and Global Perspectives Despite its benefits, many students worldwide are taught in languages other than their mother tongue, hindering their learning process. Approximately 40% of the global population does not have access to education in a language they understand. This issue is further exacerbated by the digital divide, as many languages are underrepresented online, limiting access to educational resources.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mother Tongue Education The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted and intensified educational inequalities. Remote learning solutions, predominantly offered in dominant languages, have marginalized students who speak minority languages. This situation underscores the need for mother tongue-based education systems that are inclusive and adaptable to various learning environments.

Conclusion The use of the mother tongue in education, especially in science, is more than a linguistic preference; it is a gateway to better learning, cultural preservation, and a more inclusive society. As the world evolves, it becomes increasingly important to recognize and implement mother tongue education to harness the full potential of future generations.


  1. UNESCO’s advocacy for multilingual education.
  2. Research on mother tongue education and academic performance.
  3. The impact of language on cultural identity.